Thursday 21 October 2010

normal service will resume tomorrow :D

good evening all.hope you are all well and warm.
no card tonight, i`m sorry but i got in from work at 6pm and then a bath and change out of my grubby work clothes and then parents evening for little man, which was running late.
so instead of a card cos its too late to start now, i`m gonna have some tea cos i`m starving and then some blog hopping.
don`t miss me too much ,hehehe :D
have a fab evening.
luv coops xxxxx


Maureen said...

Of course we will miss you. Love looking at your creations.

MagsB said...

Ah, parents' evening! They always, always run late!

I hope you enjoyed your tea, it sounds as if you earned it!

luv, Mags x

Lee said...

Awww bless you hunni.Hope you got yer grub eventually lol.Can't wait to see your next creation,always a pleasure.Happy