Monday, 7 May 2012

are you brave enough

Good aftenoon, another post from me today, one of my blogging buddies Sandra has a fab little challenge running on her blog at the mo.She is daring us to show cards from when we first started crafting and then show you some more recent ones to see how our style has improved and changed.
well i love a good challenge but i might have to hide my face when you see the pics of my earlier
click here to visit the challenge post on Sandras blog.

so first up,. some older cards, these are when i first started using promarkers so about 3/4 years old.

1.i`m not sure if this was using watercolour pencils, look like it may of been, sorry for pics, i`ve lifted these pics from my docrafts gallery as all these pics were lost on my old laptop.

 2.this is using watercolour pencils too and was little mans christmas card

 3.this is one using promarkers

4, and another with promarkers.

eekkkkkkkk so thats that bit over with, lol.
lets get on to 4 of my more recent ones.

 1.i love this stamp

 2,i love the colours on this one and still don`t want to part with it.

3.i am really loving vintage styles at the mo

4,i like the cracked glass and sparkle on this one.

so there you go, do pop along to sandras blog and join in the fun.i was doubting my card i posted earlier but looking at this i can really see that i have improved and i should stop being so hard on myself.see you in the morning.
luv coops.xx


Wendy Fraser said...

I found an old craft mag form several years ago recently and was amazed to see how much styles have changed, cards used to be so much more basic than now. Such an interesting post. xx

Doreen said...

Gosh you are brave Coops...not sure I could do this,and I have to be honest there is so much improvement now.I think this shows in all of us. You do such beautiful cards now...

I wonder what improvements there could be in another 3/4 years????.xxx

Vicky said...

Well I thought the first ones were quite good, but I can see how you have developed your style, much more intricate and I dare show mine????

hugs Vicky x x x

Unknown said...

I think in life no matter what we do we always strive to improve, I would have to go back on my blog to see mine, I do luv the cracked one its gorgeous,
Chris x

sue w. said...

Hi Coops, OMG I couldn't help but smile to myself when I read your post, just thinking about my earlier ones makes me cringe. I have to say yours are by far better than mine hun. I'm gonna find some out if I still have them,and if I'm brave enough I'll put some on. Hee Hee!
Hugs Sue W.
ps I love the blue one.

Sue B said...

Aww they are all gorgeous Coops! even the first ones are fab!!

So many more wonderful details in your cards today though!! your embellishments are always stunning!!

Hope you are having a good weekend!
Big Hugs!
Sue xx

amanda stokes said...

Hi Coops,
Fab selection of cards,what a fab challenge...mmm not sure if i'm brave enough lol...i cringe everytime i look at my old cards lol
:) x

Catherine said...

I think all your cards are fab, stop being hard on yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!

Viv said...

Am not sure I'm brave enough to show some of my earler efforts - just in case no one can see any improvement to the ones I make now - might just go and have a look though - for nothing else other than a trip down memory lane......!!!!! LOL

Squirrel x said...

I think it is about time you did start to believe in yourself hun!! Even your "old" cards are great - I am not brave enough to go anywhere near this challenge!! Hugs Sxx

Joey said...

LOOOOOOL I think I may just have to do this hun, such a fun idea, it always always makes me cringe looking at my firsts! hahaha. I love your current style better :) Joey xxx

Christine said...

Hi Nic.. we all needed to find our feet in those early DC days, I know I needed lots of practise & even now dont like some of my colouring.. your stunning designs have grown with your confidence..mmm dont know whether I'm brave enuff for

smiles Christine x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Brilliant idea but not sure if I would be brave enough my early ones look like a child made them! Yours, on the other hand, are really good I think styles have changed and we have to put loads of embellishments on now but I wonder what the style will be in another 3 years ?? TFS Coops x

susiestacey said...

Hi Coops, l think its fair to say we have all come on abit over the years x Your work is amazing x Susan x

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic,
I think your first ones are about where I am now in terms of style, lol! Your colouring was better than mine is now though!

Your style has definitely developed beautifully but the talent was always there.

Marlene Atkinson said...

You are brave coops, don't know if I can do that, I think mine are worse than yours, I'm not as brave as you. Marlene

Unknown said...

You are one brave lady love how good your colouring is I need more practice something to work towards...... Lovely selection! Big hugs Jo xxx

Louise said...

Hi Nic, well I'm definitely not brave enough but well done you. You have definitely developed a style of your own and your cards look stunning. The early ones are great too. xx

karen said...

Hehe WOW Coops what a difference from then to now!! Your colouring is just soooo gorgeous!! hugs, Karenx

Anonymous said...

Great cards, all of them Coops and you've obviously worked hard to improve your techniques.

Don't think it's worth me entering as l haven't had enough practise yet ;)

Have a great evening xx

MagsB said...

Even in the older cards you show your great eye for colour! Your techniques now are amazing - practice makes perfect lol!

love Mags B x

Karina said...

It is so interesting to see the before and after, to see the difference... wow! I guess I am not brave enough to show my very first ones... :o)). LOVE LOVE LOVE your last one... amazing card!! Love the vintage style as well.
Hugs, Karina

XxJULESxX said...

wow Coops it just shows how you can improve with time! i think you rushed ahead though with your talent now amazing!!!

Juls said...

congrats on the bravery!!! Fabulous to see the old and new work, and to see how your style has developed, fabulous collection of cards!

Hugs Juls

Little K Smith said...

Oh this was very brave of you Coops! :D It's really interesting to see how styles change though isn't it :)

McCrafty's Cards said...

I am not sure I am brave enough to show my first cards, yours are great, but it does show us how much we improve and grow as time goes on,
Kevin xx

Janice said...

Your card making has really developed Nic - perhaps there's hope for us all??? Jx

Julie said...

You are brave Coops!! Your recent cards are amazing and I think No.3 is one of my all time faves of yours!! Hugs, Juliex

nnalorac said...

Looking back fairly let's us see how we have come so far Coops. Thanks for sharing, there is hope for us, can't see ever being as good but must say happy I've got this far. Loved your card from this morning, she is adorably cute with the butterfly on her nose. Carolxx

Berry said...

Well I even think your first cards were amazing! You can def see the improvement though! Hugs Rebekah xx

Unknown said...

Wow! How much has your colouring improved??!! I hadn't even started card making 4 years ago! My first cards were just card with things stuck to them! I don't think I am brave enough lol!
Lizy xx

Jules said...

Hi Coops

I commented on this post earlier but got a load of error message!!!

Great to look back on old makes and compare them to present day.

Your style has certainly changed .. .. although even your older cards are lovely.

I hope you had a good Bank Holiday weekend.

Love Jules xx

Liz McGuire, said...

The old ones are lovely - but the new ones - well - stunningly gorgeous. Have you seen mine?

Liz x

melsanford said...

What a fab post! I don't think I could be brave enough to show my early one's - I cringe every time I see them! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

Unknown said...

Hi Nic, well I think the first ones are fine! But it's quite obvious that you've found your niche with the colouring - they are just superb! You can see you've always had an eye for detail but your colouring now is, I think, at a professional level.

I've joined in with the challenge, don't mind sharing me!, but I'm a bit peeved that I've been making cards for 10 year and I seem to be stuck in a rut with the style!!

Oh well, will have to just try something new, oneday,eh.


sandra's crafty corner said...

hi nic
many thanks for joining in on my before and after challenge, your befores are pretty good as they are lol much better than mine where, but your afters are stunning as always i just love your style,
hugs sandra xxx

Christine L said...

You should definitely NOT be hard on yourself Nic... your cards are STUNNING! Your style has definitely changed since you started.... but even those were fab!!

I wouldn't dare show some of my earliest work.. which was mostly stamping and embossing.... but I thought it was lovely at the time!

Christine x

Larissa said...

Oh wow this is really fun! I found an old card of mine when I was cleaning my craftroom and it was so funny to see. Thanks for this fun post.


Ally said...

hahahahah I would defenitely NOT dare to show my first cards, eeeeeeeek!!!
I have to say, that your "old" cards are nice too, but I like your recent style more! You really have made big, huge steps and you are an inspiration to me every day!
Hugs, Alessandra

Sarah said...

Wow, you've definitely progressed, the cards you make are stunning, hugs, Sarah x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Wow! It's funny to see how much your style changes over time isn't it, I absolutely love the purple coloured one and the blue one, just stunning
Lindsay xx

Linda Wescott said...

Loved seeing your before and afters, I'll be joining in with this soon. Hugs lin


You brave soul you! Fabulous both old and new! (especially compared to mine) Listen, I would love to know how I can get that Marilyn Monroe image? Who's Mo? Not Mo Manning?
Tammy Louise