Sunday, 17 February 2013

Back online

Hello all.I am finally back online with a new acer laptop.I was having problems connecting to my internet but that has been fixed now and programs i use have been installed.I still have no digital stamps or pictures, they have still got to be removed from the dead laptop.fingers crossed i should get them back soon.
Its great to be back but this laptop will take some getting used as the keyboard is different.
I hope you are all well and i should be back with a card in the morning.
I am off work for a week now so i will be around to visit you all as normal ;D
See you soon.
Hugs Nic.xx


Janine said...

Glad you've got your new laptop sorted. Just hope you can retrieve all your files from your old one.
Looking forward to seeing your gorgeous creations again.
Hugs, Janine xx

Sandra H said...

Thats good news Coops enjoy your day x

Doreen said...

Nice to have you back with

Olivia said...

HOw frustrated you must be!!! I would be pulling my hair out by now. When we lost power for over a week I was going crazy. Hope everything gets straightened out soon!

McCrafty's Cards said...

Glad to hear you are back up and running have missed seeing your wonderful creations.
Kevin xx

Samantha Carlton said...

Pleased you have a new laptop - we have missed you!

Let me know if you have problems getting old stuff off, as my other half has the special software to do so as he is an IT Manager. :) so lucky to have him lol

Sam x

Unknown said...

Welcome back Coops! Hope you haven't torn all your hair out being offline this week....what's it like in the 'real' world anyway? ;)
Lizy xx

Loopylou. said...

oh nic thank goodness for that, I miss you! can't wait to get me normal nic infusion when you are up and running again.
huge hugs Lou xxx

Sarah said...

Yaaayyyy glad you're back online Coops, we've missed you. Sorry to read you've had to buy a new machine, hope you get your digis and pics back soon xxx

catherine said...

Glad to see you back Nic and will watch for the next project
x catherine

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Great news Nic I have missed seeing your fabulous cards!! x

Sue said...

Good to see you back Nic, I have really missed seeing your gorgeous cards!
Hugs Sue

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Hooray. Hope you had your files backed up. If not, suggest you do for the future. You don't want to lose all your digis. Enjoy your week off xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic glad you are back. You will soon get used to your new laptop. Look forward to seeing your cards. Enjoy your week off. Love Alison xx

sandy's crafty bits said...

ooo welcome back nic ... and hope to see some of your lovely work really soon ... your blog looks kinda bare ... ooo is that how you spell it ... have a great week off ... and enjoy half term with your little man ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

SoniaW said...

Yay! Good to hear you are back on line, looking forward to seeing the cards you make in the week - enjoy half term - Sonia x

Jen Nelson said...

great to see you back..... at least you get to ink some "real" stamps up while waiting for your digis!!

Jen xx

Lee said...

Brilliant news hun.Huggles xx

Isabelle Linnér said...

What good news that you are back :)
Hugs Isabelle

Teresa said...

Oh dear Coops sorry to hear you've been having problems with your lappy. I'll pop back tomorrow to see your new card. Have a lovely evening. Teresa xx

Marlene Atkinson said...

It's great to see you back online, I've missed seeing your gorgeous creations. It must have been really frustrating for you. Marlene

xxxtglxxx said...

oooh, I hate when someone swaps a keyboard! lol :)

I cant get on with laptops or netbooks I need a full keyboard me! :D

Glad you are getting there hun!



kay said...

Good to hear you are sorted,look forward to seeing your gorgeous cards x

Jackie said...

Welcome back coops, looking forward to seeing your fabulous creations once more :o)
Jackie xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Welcome back to blogland =)
Lindsay xx