Sunday, 28 July 2013

Rainbow of colours.

Good evening all.
I just had to pop back and share these pics of a rainbow that we saw tonight around 7pm.I can`t remember ever seeing such a vibrant coloured rainbow and the slants of light coming through it.
My camera hasn`t really picked up just how amazing the sky looked with all these magical shafts of light sort of filtering through the rainbow.
Mother nature is absolutely amazing.!!

That stripe of dark on the right hand side is how the sky was and the rainbow just started from that darker line, very strange.

This shows the vibrant colours better, the colours were really bold .

Not sure if you can see the shafts of light filtering through the rainbow, my camera couldn`t really pick up what our eyes were seeing.

this is the full rainbow and the bright blue on the left is not my camera but the actual colour in the sky we could see.
Thanks for looking.
Hugs Nic.xx


Sue B said...

Oh what a fab rainbow Coops…love the vibrant colours! it's strange how it stops at one end…. don't suppose there was a pot of gold there? :-)) LOL
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Big hugs
Sue xx

Kelly Lloyd said...

Hello nic,

Your pictures are amazing, we were coming back from our caravan in shropshire at about that time and saw a rainbow while driving down the m54. Me and hubby said we have never seen a rainbow as clear before, it was beautiful.

Maybe the same one as you saw?

Hugs Kelly

Sheila said...

Stunning pictures Nic x I love mother nature too :)

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Brilliant photos Nic x

Sue said...

WOW! I love rainbows, I think they are almost magical and I always get a bit of a 'tingle' when I see one!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing photos.
hugs Sue xx


Wow Nic, your photos are stunning - thanks so much for sharing them. I absolutely love rainbows and you are so right - mother nature truly is amazing!

Have a happy week - hugs, Sylvia xx

Tracey T said...

Amazing photos, Nic. xx

Lisa xx said...

Great photo's.....there really is a special beauty in a rainbow xx

Elizabeth said...

Great photos, Coops. I love rainbows and your captured this one, and the sky around it, beautifully. Elizabeth xx

Elaine said...

Fabulous photos Nic.
Yes, nature is amazing!!

No rainbows here but the rain has been lashing down all day and most of yesterday...and just when I getting used to the sunshine!

Big hugs
Elaine xx

Creations by Shirl said...

I'm sure this was really pretty in real....

Chrissy said...

Fabulous photos Coops, and what a gorgeous rainbow, such bright colours, never seen one like that before, just pops up from no where..gorgeous, thanks for sharing.


Dangina Martinez said...

That is gorgeous. How I wish we had some rain here in California

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Gorgeous rainbow Nic, thanks for sharing! They have a special place in my heart as they were everywhere, and I mean 'everywhere' the day we buried my papa, so they mean a huge amount to me. Big hugs, Wends xxx

Jackie said...

Wonderful photographs and yes, we can see the shafts of light :o)
Jackie xx

Sarah said...

Beautiful, I love rainbows x

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photo's wonder if there really is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow lol. Love Alison xx

Christine L said...

Stunning photos Nic... isn't nature grand??

Christine x

nwilliams6 said...

Love your great pics Nic - what a blessing to get to see this beautiful rainbow! Hugz!

Kelly said...

Beautiful rainbow!