Sunday, 6 October 2013

OOOPS - what a mess.

A late good evening from me :D
I have not stopped today and now i am going to attempt to move all this:
What a tip.there is stuff everywhere.I have pads of paper stacked on the floor because the drawers are rammed full.
Ah well one good thing is i can sort them all out and tidy my corner yet again before i put it back.
I better get go and start shifting it :(
Tomorrow i plan on having a good blog catch up too.
Hugs Nic.xx


Aunty Sue said...

Oh NiC That Is Not A Mess You Should See Mine Then again No One Should. Why ArYou Moving It.

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

hahaha goodluck cleaning everything up! i bet you will find all sorts of goodies you forgot about! :)

Chrissy said...

You definitely need a bigger corner Coops...the couch must go...happy tidying!!


kay said...

Me thinks you are outgrowing your corner coops x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Hehe it still looks tidier than mine
Lindsay xx

♥Gemma♥ said...

Hey mrs you think your room is bad, mine is resembles the local tip but with craft stash hehehe
I so need to tidy mine but as soon as i do i end up playing...oops!!

Good luck in sorting it all out...not sure if i am brave enough yet to sort mine...again!! hehehe
hugs and xxx

Anonymous said...

Nic it seems everyone is having a good sort out of all their stuff, I just finished mine and gave away loads on docrafts. Love to see the finished corner when you have sorted. Love Alison xx

Mau xx said...

Oh! poor coops, this looks like my mess I craft like this all the time as I work in the dining end of my lounge. I have to clean everything away into its right drawer/cupboard every night before bed....a pain!
Hugs Mau xx

Lynne in NI said...

I'll come and help, though I might have to have a wee play with your stash while I'm there LOL

nwilliams6 said...

How fun to see where you create your beautiful things Nic. Way to go on looking at the bright side! Hugz!