Tuesday, 1 October 2013

You missing me....

Ooops good afternoon.
I had no card to share this morning as we were out yesterday visiting and stuff and now my hubby is poorly again with celulitis in his leg.
So i have been tending to him and then my laddo is off school today because of the teachers strikes and i have been lucky to recieve some card orders too.
I hope to be back a little later with one of my ordered cards to share and i really must apologise for lacking in my visiting.
Things should settle down soon hopefully.
Hugs Nic.xx


Kelly Lloyd said...

Hope hubby is better soon nic. Well done in your card orders. Hugs Kelly x

Unknown said...

Busy day ahead for you Nic, elevate hubby's legs that should help ease the fluid a little and get your son to get your crafting goodies out and help you make a card...take care..luv aNNIe x

Doreen said...

I do hope hubbys leg is better soon Nic.xxx

nwilliams6 said...

Hope he feels better soon! Hugz!

Jackie said...

I have had cellulitis in my hand/arm and I know how awful it can be. I hope hubby is soon recovered from it...hugs
Jackie xx

Anonymous said...

Nic hope hubby gets better soon and that things settle down for you. sometimes life just gets in the way for us crafters lol. Love Alison xx