Thursday, 5 May 2016

Missing again.

Good morning all.
Just quickly popping in to say I am missing at the moment as I have damaged my shoulder, probably whilst exercising.
The doctor does not think that I have damaged the joint , just the soft tissue and muscle.
My shoulder, arm and armpit are hurting but I have been given some tablets and gel so fingers crossed I can get back in my crafty corner soon.
I am on strict no weight bearing exercising though for at least 2 weeks.
See you all very soon.
Thanks for popping by.
Hugs Nic.


Turtle In The Sand said...

Eeeewww, sounds painful and very inconvenient. Hope it heals quickly and fully.

Jane Savage said...

Oh no get well soon. Sounds very painful! Healing hugs! xxx


Hope you are feeling better soon take care
Dianne xx :)

Michelle said...

Ouch - sounds paintful Nic and I do hope it gets much better soon - take care hun - Michelle x

Shona Erlenborn said...

Sorry to hear this. Hope you're back to normal quickly!

CaroleAnn said...

Oh, so sorry. Get well soon - but do it slowly. although, I miss your posts (they are all so inspiring) you need to take your time I get these aches and pains which leave me unable to paint at times - all due to arthritis and I have to force myself to stop just so I can rest the joints.

I use to teach line dancing and took aerobic classes and my hips and knees have all paid for those years. Think your doing good but down the line it takes a toll on your joints!! Oh, well, still wouldn't change a thing I did in my younger days! Stay well. Hugs

Margarets designer cards said...

Easy done get well soon

Anonymous said...

Hope your shoulder gets better soon Nic miss seeing your cards already. Love Alison xx

crafty-stamper said...

oooh sounds painful -hope you feel better soon
Carol x

Dotty Jo said...

Poor you! Hope you are feeling better soon, Jo x

Chrissy said...

OUCH....take care and obey the doctors orders..


CaroleAnn said...

Oh, dear, I wish you a speedy recover both for yourself and for us because I just love your inspirational creations. Take care, and take your time - we are all here waiting for you when you get back. Big hugs

Delphine said...

Sorry to hear you are not well :( I hope your shoulder gets better soon - be reasonable and take care! Hugs Delphine xx

Lynne in NI said...

Ouch! Hope you feel better soon x

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear this- it sounds painful and I hope it heals quickly. Will miss your posts. Jellie x

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

I've been so busy, only just seen this chick. I hope you're recovering well and feeling loads better than when you posted this! Thinking of you and sending healing wishes. Hugs, Wends x