Good morning all.
I hope you are all well.
It is my day off today so i plan on getting crafty this morning as my eyes are feeling less tight and swollen.I have been applying lots of hot compresses last night and also some coconut oil along my lash lines.Also washing my eyes with an eye wash and taking 2 antihistamines a day instead of 1.
My laddo is singing in the end of school year play again this year so he was there last night and me and hubby are going to watch the play tonight.
So on to my confession.Last year i attempted to give up my 25 ( i can see you all trying to guess my age now) ..year smoking habit and i failed after a few weeks due to the stress of changing jobs.
exactly ONE MONTH ago yesterday i decided enough was enough and i gave up.
I have not touched one since neither has my mum who gave up the day after me.
I feel so much more better and healthier and it means i have spare money for clothes and makeup and treating the males in my life (hubby, son and cat);D
Plus writing this down makes me absolutely determined this time that i will NOT go back to smoking.
I think the difference this time is that i really wanted to quit.
So here`s to 1 month smoke free and many more to come.
Thanks so much for popping by, i hope to be back with a creation tomorrow :D
Lotsa Hugs
That's a fantastic achievement, many congratulations and rather than saying you have given up try saying that you don't smoke :0) More money now for crafting...LOL x
Well done, Nic! You should be very proud and here's to many more smoke free months and years ahead! It's good that you are using the money you would've spent to treat yourself and your loved ones as it gives you the incentive to carry on. A huge achievement for both you and your Mum...keep it up! Hugs, Lisa x
Whoo-hoo - well done Nic - keep up the good work!
Pleased to hear that your eyes are much better too - have a lovely crafty day!
Sylvia xxx
Hope you start to feel better soon and congratulations on quitting smoking, as an ex smoker myself I know what a difficult thing it is but so worth it. Hugs, Amanda x
Brilliant good luck with non smoking I'm back on them again blooming awful.
Chris x
Congratulations Coops..well done,I'm very proud of you..for me it has been 3 months 2 days and I smoked for 42 years..30 a day..tut..tut..I know..very bad.There are good days mostly and some bad is hard and this is the first time I have admitted on blogland that I WAS a smoker..
PS...glad you have your eyes nearly sorted..allergies are nasty little beggars..
Glad your eyes are getting back and congrats on one month smoke free. My friend's Mum is waiting for diagnosis but seems likely she has copd caused by smoking all her life. She is younger than me but looks older due to the smoking, it is so bad for your skin never mind your lungs. Keep it up, easier to do it with your Mum too encourage each other and mark off the milestones.
Congrats! It's hard to break bad habits. Good luck!
Christine x
PS... Sorry you're still having eye problems.. bloomin pollen!!
Well done you xx
WELL DONE, Coops! Good for you (and your mum)! As one of those smug non-smokers I cannot even guess how hard it is to give up! Keep going; you can do it! xx
Hiya Nic,glad to hear your eyes are feeling better.Have fun tonight.
Keep strong chuck!!!
Hugs Sue xx
So pleased you are feeling a bit better today and WELL DONE on giving up the evil weed!!!! it's well worth it, I gave up more than 20 years ago and it's the best thing I ever did, you won't regret it, STAY STRONG, it gets easier and easier.
Hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design
Well done Nic one day st a time. My sil is having trouble. And doctor gave her 2 tablets but told to take them at different times as they where different makes worked for her
Oh how l used to watch my children at the end of term they make you so proud.........keeping bathing your Eyes Coops and all will be better looking forward to seeing your project once you have it made take care and happy crafting xx
Well done you xxx
Well done Nic and hope you are feeling better soon
Hugs Dianne xx :)
Well done on the non smoking Nic, I gave up 15 years ago and it is the best thing I ever
Well done to you - one month is great... I have not had a cig for 10 years and am still proud of myself every single day. Good Luck to you Coops - and of course it means you'll have more money for crafty stash!!!! LOL x
Well done, Nic! I gave up 15 years ago in February (when I found out I was pregnant with the Boy Wonder) and haven't had a ciggie since. I still like the smell of cigarette smoke but I haven't given in. It definitely gets easier after the first 4 weeks, I promise. Just think of the extra money! Hugs, Tracey xx
I hope you feel better Coop's I am sending healing thoughts your way, dont stress about the crafting, tomorrow is another day
Kevin xx
You will feel the benefit all round nit only more money to buy craft items but health wise, your hair, skin etc
Keep it up.
glad to hear your eyes are getting better and hope you enjoy the play.Well done on giving up smoking and you forgot to mention more money for crafting too :)
Carol x
Well done Coops, not an easy move but you can do this! I think that really is key though, actually wanting to give up. My fiancé has been trying to give up for years, but kept slipping back into it with stress - he hasn't touched a cigarette in a year and a half now and I couldn't be prouder of him! He says that even smelling smoke now makes him feel a bit ill and the thought of actually inhaling one makes him gag! So keep going, YOU CAN DO THIS! :D
Tags xx
Hope you're feeling better soon - I reacted to my meds a few weeks ago and I I ad a rash all down my arms, across my chest and around my neck. so I feel your pain (or itch in this case) hunni.
Good on you giving up the cigs - I gave up 26 years ago this year, and it was the best thing I've ever did. Keep going hunni - take each day as it comes and you'll make it. Hugs Janine x
So glad to hear you are starting to feel better and good on you for giving up smoking too, enjoy your son's show, Luv Sam x
Sorry to hear about your eyes Coops ,hope they feel better real soon and good for you stopping with smoking,I´m a smoker too!!!!
Have fun tonight!!
Big XXX Heidy
Congratulations on getting to a month nic. You have done brilliantly. I've stopped for over nine months now. I've had numerous attempts but this time I was determined. I had the help of lozenges. I was on them longer than I should have been but not on them now. Its so hard isn't it. But you will do it and I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I still have dreams about cigs though lol. I think its lovely how you are so honest about your struggle as a lot of us have been through the same and know exactly how hard it is. Michelle x
That's brilliant - Well done Nic. I know how hard it is...keep it up - you can do it!
Lorraine x
Well done Nic! I remember you giving up last year. I hope you can do it, you won't be sorry but it is very difficult - be proud of yourself! Susan xx
Congrats Nic x
Good for you Nic!!!!! Well done.x
Congrats on giving up the ciggies Nic, not an easy thing to do!
Hope your eyes are improving :)
Way to go Nic. It is very hard but you can do it. After smoking for 35 years, I haven't had a cigarette since 7th May 1992 and I have never regretted it. Go for it girl :o)
Hugs, Jackie xx
I need to do this asap!!! WELL DONE YOU, It is such an achievement :) xxx
Well done Nic a great achievement, I'm so glad I never started smoking as I'm a very addictive person and would never have had the willpower to give up
keep going Nic - you should be really proud of what you've done its a fantastic achievement. Also think how many more crafty goodies you can buy with the money you save! x
Congratulations!!! Every day without a cig is something to celebrate. it's such a hard habit to break.
(yes, I do know it!)
Keep up the good work.
Big hugs
Elaine xx
Huge well done to you!!!
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